Links to Outside Resources

Fun Stuff in Kansai

  • 子供たちは毎週土曜日2時から大阪日本橋にあるダイセン電子工業で、ロボカップジュニャーを狙って、ロボットを工作、プログラミングすることを、無料で教えてもらうことが出来ます。(部品は有料です。)年毎のロボカップの世界大会のルールはこちらにあります。
  • 大阪:箕面市小野原で毎週に集まる小学生親子の小さな勉強会:スクラッチ小野原
  • 大阪:阪大の森先生Pico-Cricketの遊び方を教えて頂きました。森先生は小学生や文系大学生向けのスクラッチカリキャラムも開発・論文発表されています。これからもワークショップを開催されるではないかと思いますが、その時にTinkerlandにも是非、スケジュールを載せたいと思っています。
  • 自習教育: 箕面市のこども森の学園、神戸市のラーンネット東京コミュニティースクール、そうして場所は遠いですが、考えは近い:ドイツの森の幼稚園、ビデオの言葉分からなくても様子だけでも見てください!
  • 楽しさが伝える:中学生を含む女性アフリカ音楽バンドMafolo

Playful Learning

Scratchers in Japan

  • 関西で色々イベント企画開: Kyoto Creative Workshop - organizer of Scratch and Lego Mindstorm sessions at Osaka University

    Scratch and Robotics

    • レゴマシーンをスクラッチで操作するにはWeDoがあります。日本ではこちらから購入できるようです。
    • 頭から勉強したい人にはこちらの本 も販売されています。(私は読んでません、ウェブで見つけただけで。。。)
    • 日本語スクラッチフォーラム
    • 阿部和宏はスクラッチのロボティックスなど、面白いリンク集まっています。 Kazuhiro Abe is collecting the world's hottest How-To links for hooking robots up to Scratch.
    • 古いパソコンの為に、古いスクラッチバージョンの日本語化の手順  (バージョン1.4以上はマウスクリック一つでどの言語でも変わります。慣れてからアラブ語でもプログラムを書いてみてください)
    • Build a programmable machine that you can control from Scratch? Try Lego WeDo
      Not for beginners: How to build your own WeDo.
    • The Pico-Cricket is a gadget that combines ease of use (Lego brick, small size) of the WeDo with even better mobility (wireless!) than the Mindstorms brick. Because of ease of use and mobility, the Cricket is really much more playful and enticing to experiment than either Mindstorms or WeDo. Drawback: Cricket does not work with scratch. It comes with a very similar programming language, so the kids will pick up immediately how it works. But you won't be able to leverage Scratch's multimedia capabilities. For example, you can't record jokes in Scratch for your robot to say, and you cannot share your Cricket programs on the Scratch website. In Japan, the Cricket is distributed by Learning Systems. It's not on their home page, so you have to make and inquiry to them.
    • If anybody has tried Modkit on Arudino to make your Scratch machine autonomous from a PC, we'd love to hear from you!
    • Got LEGO Mindstorms and want to use the sensors with you Arduino robot? Try using an Arduino shield from OpenElectrons
    • Also, let's not forget the picoboard to let the real world talk to scratch through electronic sensors via an USB interface. This is the same thing as the kit mentioned above. Made by a different manufacturer, the difference is that this one has a prettier layout, comes readily assembled and costs four times more.
    • Also, let's not forget the picoboard to

  • Picoboard emulation scetch for Arduino, allowing you to use distance, tilt and other sensors with Scratch
  • 中国製のおもちゃロボット: Eastcolightが面白い! 品質はメチャクチャ、正常に動くことを来たい出来ませんが、パーツだけでも面白い!モーターやセンサーをArduinoに繋げて、メチャ面白いレゴロボットを作れそう!
  • An Arduino based robot controller on Let's Make Robots
  • Artec blocks: An arduino based robotics set for kids

    Scratch & Kinect

    • Use Microsoft's Kinect body motion capture system to make your own games and get in shape: Kinect2Scratch - I havn't tried it yet, but that won't keep me from posting it here anyway. 。


    • First of all, go to, get your scratch login and install the software. Then try your first project and share it.
    • For tutorials and additiona information, check out the official Scratch wiki!
    • Nice story board with example: Pirate and Hula Girl!
    • Debugems: Scratch programs with errors in them - debugging them will illustrate important computational concepts in the classroom.
    • Scratch 2.0 is currenty under development by John Maloney and the LLK team. Expected to be released in 2011 or early 2012, the new version will feature procedures and cloning of sprites.
    • If you can't wait for Scratch 2.0, try BYOB to build your own blocks (procedures).
    • Catroid claims to be the Scratch for Android OS. I don't have an Android gadget yet, so I take their word for it. (Note Apple has shut out Scratch from the app store, no programming allowed on iPhones. So for your smart phone, you don't have an alternative to Android!)
    • MIT Media Lab's Lifelong Kindergarten Homepage
    • Media Lab's list of scholarly publications, including a characterization of the Scratch web community

    Program or be Programmed

    • Dr. Technico, How to train your robot: an unplugged, exploratory "pre-scratch" excercise that will get your kids excited and moms exhausted. Try at the next birthday party!
    • Scratch is an offspring of Squeak, both of which are programmed in Smalltalk (at least originally). A sibling, also based on Squeak, is Etoys.
    • Computatioal Thinking: A short list of tools & resources for kids
    • Hackasaurus gives you X-ray goggles for your browser: Learn HTML tags by tinkering with any pages as you go!
    • PHP for Kids: Build your interactive websites!
    • For a very rough overview over programming languages, see this nice chart, but beware it skips over many languages, such as Lisp, Smalltalk, Logo and Scratch. It does include Python, which I think will be our choice once our kids outgrow Scratch.
    • Once you're ready to type commands and look for an easy entry to the most powerful, modern, object-oriented programming language - Java - Greenfoot may be worth a try.
    • Google's resource page on exploring computational thinking has quite a few gems in it!
    • How is the world programmed? How the web is made - a video podcast by Mozilla
    • From Intel: The Jouney Inside - animated introduction to computing
    • Unplug your PC!
      • great PDF worksheets to teach 9 year olds about bits and algorithms through group activities from NCWIT
      • C-programming as a board game!
      • Code Academy is an amazingly hands-on introduction to coding for anyone who is already used to typing.

    Fun Sites

    Build your own electronics 電子工作